Saturday 8 March 2008

Ref: Colloquial Cantonese

Saturday 16 February 2008

Chinatown Heritage Centre

The Chinatown Heritage Centre at 28 Pagoda Street occupies three shophouses in Chinatown, newly restored to house memories and untold stories of Singapore’s early forefathers.
( Note: A few units to the right of Heritage Centre were the Coolie Quarters which occupied the upper floors of two units. There were where hard work labourers, coolies who, after the Opium War, sold themselves as slaves from China, were housed after they came ashore, according to my father's memory. )

Dialect has made Singapore Chinese culture rich and colourful, but it is at risk of dying out


March 17, 2007
Dialect has made Singapore Chinese culture rich and colourful, but it is at risk of dying out

I HAD the privilege of growing up speaking English, Mandarin and dialect. However, dialect (meaning spoken Chinese or fangyan) is at risk of dying out and little is done to conserve and promote this integral part of local Chinese ethnicity.

If conservation of historical sites is given immense support because they are important to local culture, more should be done for dialect. Dialect has profoundly influenced local Chinese culture in numerous ways. From our dialect-inspired dishes to native lingo, dialect has made Singapore Chinese culture so rich and colourful.

As a mother, I am concerned that the global blah of TV, fast food, Internet and so on is diluting the appreciation of our roots. The local situation is worsened with increasingly more children raised by foreign maids. Local children are sent to countless enrichment classes for advancement, but given little time to learn their cultural heritage. We cannot stop modernisation, yet it is eroding local Chinese ethnicity rapidly. Many minority dialects here have dwindled or are already completely lost.

Beyond teaching our children intellectual cultural knowledge, simple dialect-speaking helps identify one’s roots immediately. Dialect is fundamental to Chinese heritage. When I started speaking dialect to my daughter, she instinctively connected herself to our family roots. Previously, our cultural roots were just ‘head knowledge’ to her. Now, she is proud that her father is Hainanese and her mother is Cantonese. She appreciates how fascinating her family history is.

Dialect links us to our roots. Many young local Chinese do not know, or even care, which dialect group they belong to. We should still use English and Mandarin language, but dialect-speaking should not be forgotten in the process. Many Chinese do not communicate in dialect to their young anymore. If something is not done to promote dialect, local Chinese culture will have little profundity eventually.

Dialect is a beautiful aspect of Chinese culture. It is not a language for the ‘old’ or ‘uncouth’. The next generation needs to see the value of dialect - it delves into our roots and reveals a bigger picture of ourselves.

Can dialect survive by itself in Singapore? Like environmental conservation, more must be done before it is too late. Everyone has a part to play. Perhaps because we are a majority ethnic group, we think dialect will thrive naturally. Unfortunately, it will not. We do not want to wait till the last breathe of dialect is spoken to realise what is authentic to us is truly lost.

Joanna Chan Yea Ling (Mdm)

Friday 8 February 2008

About Standard Cantonese, written in Cantonese ( source: Wikipedia )


跳去: 定向, 搵嘢



[編輯] 廣府話

[編輯] 新式粵語

[編輯] 香港粵語



由 "" 收
屬於1類: 粵語

Standard Cantonese
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Standard Cantonese is a variant of Cantonese (Yue) Chinese . It is spoken natively in and around the cities of Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau in Southern China. Standard Cantonese is the de facto official Chinese spoken language of Hong Kong and Macau, and a lingua franca of Guangdong province and some neighbouring areas. It is also spoken by many overseas Chinese of Guangdong, Hong Kong or Macau origin in Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, United States, Australia, Europe and elsewhere. Historically, Cantonese was the most common form of Chinese spoken by overseas Chinese communities in the Western world, although that situation has changed with the increasing importance of Mandarin in the Chinese-speaking world as well as immigration to the West from other countries as well as other parts of China.

In popular speech, Standard Cantonese is often known simply as Cantonese, though in academic linguistics the name can also refer to the broader category to which it belongs, Cantonese language (traditional Chinese: 粵語; simplified Chinese: 粤语; pinyin: Yuèyǔ; Jyutping: Jyut6jyu5). Standard Cantonese is also known popularly as Guangdong speech (traditional Chinese: 廣東話; simplified Chinese: 广东话; pinyin: Guǎngdōng huà; Jyutping: Gwong2dong1 Wa2) or as the Canton Prefecture speech (traditional Chinese: 廣州話、廣府話; simplified Chinese: 广州话、广府话; pinyin: Guǎngzhōu huà, Guángfǔ huà; Jyutping: Gwong2zau1 Wa2, Gwong2fu2 Wa2). In Mainland China, the Standard Cantonese is called Clear Language (traditional Chinese: 白 話; pinyin: bai huà; Jyutping: baak6 Wa2). But outside of Mainland China, Standard Cantonese is simply called Guangdong speech.

Thursday 7 February 2008

My Birth Place and some childhood neighbourhoods in Singapore : 回忆我在新加坡出生和成长的地方

Your host: a second-generation Chinese was born in 1946 at a clinic, along South Bridge Road in Chinatown ( opposite the Maxwell Rd Market, Fairfield Methodist Church )the site now occupied by Buddha Tooth Relic Museum ( at the right side in picture),in Singapore.

First home was inside a three-storey tenetment( shared by many families ) at Neil Road (Chinese: 尼路), towards the junction of Craig Road (the Crocodile House). The building, still existing and designated for conservation , had originally a water well and also an air well ( for direct natural ventrilation by fresh air, for receiving sunshine and rain ). This is where I stayed until about 3 years old. The top picture is the partly demolished gateway to the front entrance of New World Amusement (facing Jalan Besar), where my late-father worked as the Studio Manager. I lived in the Studio, on top of the table at the work place, where I stayed from 3 to 6 years old. The second picture shows the rear entrance,the other gateway to New World Amusement Park,at the junction of Kitchener Road and Serangoon Road.
The centre of this picture shows a three-storey building at Teck Lim Road, where father and myself( then 18 to 35 years old ) were actively doing community work for an association.

Monday 4 February 2008

新加坡廣惠肇碧山亭 Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng Association ( Federation of Chinese Clans ) Heritage Archive & Sanctum

碧山亭青年團首次訪廣州, 尋根問祖去了。Members of Youths Group visiting Guangzhou to discover roots.

Saturday 2 February 2008


Cantonese Pop Song: Star 星


Friday 1 February 2008

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Famous Singapore-style Cantonese Raw Fish Salad to celebrate New Year.

Yusheng or yee sang (simplified Chinese: 鱼生; pinyin: yúshēng) is a Chinese-style raw fish salad. It usually consists of strips of raw fish (most commonly salmon), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients. Literally translated, "yusheng" means "raw fish", though it can also be taken to symbolise abundance, prosperity and vigor.

The delicacy was invented 1,500 years ago in southern Chinese coastal areas such as Chaozhou and Shantou, during the Song Dynasty. According to legend, a Chinese female deity known as Nǚwō (女娲) created mankind from clay and mud on the seventh day of the first month of the Lunar New Year. From then on, this day was known as the "Birthday of Man". It is believed that the fishermen and seafarers of ancient Southern China were very observant of this myth. On this day, yusheng would be prepared in feasts or religious ceremonies, not just to commemorate the event but also to show respect to Nüwa. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many of these fishermen immigrated to Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Singapore in search of a better life. They brought this traditional dish along with them. Yu Sang originated in Kuala Lumpur as far back as in the early 1950s. It was a dish available only after the Chinese New Year when the restaurants reopened, and diners had the dish as a starter,to raise 'good luck' for the coming year.This dish was then adopted in time throughout the then Malaya as it was evident that it was popular and for the restaurants, a very profitable dish despite the labour intensiveness of chopping and slicing the ingredients. With the advent of electrical devices, preparation was made easier but purists in Kuala Lumpur still only frequented restaurants that prepared the ingredients by hand.In 1964, yusheng began to be associated with Chinese New Year (CNY) festivities in restaurants in Singapore. Mr. Tham Mui Kai, the head chef at Lai Wah Restaurant of Singapore, offered this unique CNY dish that combined raw slices of a local fish with a melange of ingredients including shredded carrots, turnips, ginger and jellyfish. In addition, he pioneered the idea of pre-mixing the yusheng sauce in a mix of plum sauce, salt and pepper before serving the dish. Soon after, other restaurants and eateries in Singapore and Hong Kong adopted this practice.

Now, in the 21st century, "Lo Hei" -- tossing yusheng -- is a Singaporean/Malaysian Chinese New Year custom for families and friends to gather around the table and, on cue, proceeding to toss the shredded ingredients into the air with chopsticks while saying 吉祥话 (Jíxiáng Huà, auspicious wishes) out loud to mark the start of a prosperous new year.

Typical ingredients include: fresh salmon, daikon (white radish), carrot, red pepper (capsicum), ginger, daun limau nipis, Chinese parsley, chopped peanuts, toasted sesame seeds, Chinese shrimp crackers (or fried dried shrimp), five spice powder. The dressing is made primarily from plum sauce. ( Source: Wikipedia)

Guan Yin, The Bodhisattva for Great Compassion (Goddess of Mercy)

Widely venerated by East Asian Buddhists, the Goddess presence is found in Nanhai, Donggang, Hong Kong, Japan and Vietnam.

Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion as venerated by East Asian Buddhists, usually as a female. She is also known as the Chinese Bodhisattva of Compassion.

It is generally accepted that Guanyin originated as the Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara (अवलोकितेश्वर), which is her male form. Another version suggests she originated from the Taoist Immortal "Ci Hang Zhen Ren" (慈航真人). Commonly known in the West as the Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin is also revered by Chinese Taoists as an Immortal. The name Guanyin, also spelt Kuan Yin, is short for Kuan-shih Yin (Py.: Guānshì Yīn, 觀世音) which means "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World".

In Japanese, Guanyin is pronounced Kannon (観音) or more formally Kanzeon (観世音); the spelling Kwannon, based on a pre-modern pronunciation, is sometimes seen. In Korean, the Bodhisattva is called Gwan-eum (관음) or Gwanse-eum (관세음), In Thai, the name is called Kuan Eim (กวนอิม) or Prah Mae Kuan Eim (พระแม่กวนอิม), and in Vietnamese, the name is Quan Âm or Quan Thế Âm Bồ Tát.

関羽, 関帝 (関二哥)Among Cantonese, the most commonly revered Guan Yu, General from the Three Kingdoms Period

關羽(?-219年),約生於東漢桓帝年間,字雲長,本字長生,河東解縣人(今山西運城市)。東漢末年劉備的重要將領,死後受民間推崇,又經歷代朝廷褒封,被人奉為關聖帝君,簡稱關帝君、關帝。佛教界一般奉其為護法神之一,稱為伽藍菩薩。民間普遍認為關羽與劉備、張飛是結義兄弟,關羽排行第二,俗稱其為關老爺、關二爺、關二哥等等。( source: wikipedia )

Tuesday 29 January 2008

孔子儒家說學 Study of Confucius

Confucius, Ancient Teacher, Master Philosopher and Great Sage.

He aimed to promote the ideas of kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wishdom and faith 仁,義,禮,智,信
to realize a world of great harmony for the common good of all humans.


Online video on Confucius study available on the web:

其他中囯思想家有 :老子,孟子, 莊子,孫子,



Monday 28 January 2008


人之初 口多多 笑騎騎 放毒蛇,
聲大大 無貨賣 眼大大 易學壞,
周身郁 扮忙碌 眼濕濕 扮憂郁,
嘴藐藐 打得少 靜雞雞 認低威,
有早知 無乞兒 晨早知 中大彩,
擔凳仔 霸頭位 一張票 睇到笑,
好好好 睇唔到 繞埋手 晨早走,
有得振 無得訓 搞搞震 無幫襯,
側側膊 唔多覺 搏大霧 唔洗做,
有姿勢 無實際 有交易 靠實力,
七八九 飲到嘔 硬骨頭 食地球,
手頭緊 搵真銀 烏啄啄 任人將,
淡淡定 有錢剩 失失慌 害街坊,
有得賭 精神好 三缺一 慘過乞,
騰騰震 蝦光棍 時運高 搏返鋪,
二仔底 無得睇 隨口誁 當秘笈,
贏粒糖 輸間廠 贏把遮 輸架車,
有竇口 早得抖 讀書少 比人藐,
頭岳岳 四圍度 爛撻撻 唔負責,
無曬計 發爛招 咖哩啡 扮阿姐,

頻頻撲 搵命搏 姿姿整 有環境,
咁人齊 等發圍 趁佢病 欏佢命,
出黎威 識搶咪 唔想衰 埋大堆,
有異性 無人性 有殺錯 無放過,
有胸毛 出黎蒲 手毛長 性欲強,
聽唔明 扮純情 懶癡纏 搏可憐,
大笪地 食自己 做臭四 無定企,
眼光光 等天光 印印腳 等人約,
有斷估 無痛苦 人工高 無秘撈,
唔夠班 執二攤 跟老頂 有得醒,
走得快 好世界 走得摩 無鼻哥,
大肚dum 無良心 大蝦細 比屎喂,
有背景 無困難 有資格 大餐史,
當老大 有紋身 渣fit人 有疤痕,
密響喚 無甩拖 手指指 靠面子,
十十下 拉頭馬 中間界 騎呢怪,
唔夠皮 無面比 二三線 好難變,
手指指 扮fan屎 無拉拉 整笪疤,
白白淨 無性病 人嚇人 好易暈,
吹吹水 唔抹嘴 趁你病 撻你訂,
癲癲地 唔識死 渣藍籌 唔洗愁,
過大海 搏好彩 四圍走 鬥疊友

穗港書畫綿繡華廊Calligraphy & Paintings from Guangzhou & Hong kong

Round Circle Shape Fan Calligraphy by Listed Artist Wang Zhao Quan (1858-1928)
廣東名書法家汪兆銓 (1858-1928)書法團扇面

Flower Painting by modern Master painter Zhao Shao Ang (1905-1998)
趙少昂 (1905-1998)

花卉圖Gold Fish Watercolor Painting by Mater Chinese Artist Professor Wan Wing-sum (1922-1995)

Opera Figures Painting by Contemporary Chinese Master Guan Liang (1900-1986)
當代名畫家關良 (1900-1986)戲劇人物畫


Sunday 27 January 2008

Nanhai Muncipal District 南海县区 (Foshan, Guangzhou, PRC)

"Nanhai District (Chinese: 南海区; pinyin: Nánhǎi Qū) is a district of Foshan prefecture-level city, in Guangdong province, southern China.

Nanhai District of Foshan City is located in the center of Guangdong Province, at the heart of Pearl River Delta. It surrounds another Foshan district ---Chancheng District. It is only ten kilometers away from Guangzhou and is near Hong Kong and Macao. The environment of Nanhai District is richly endowed by nature. It has long been a land of plenty and the hometown for overseas Chinese.

Nanhai has a long history and deep cultural foundations. 6,000 years ago, it gave birth to the Xiqiao Culture of the New Stone Age. In the 33rd year of Qin Dynasty (214 B.C), Nanhai Commandry was established; in the 10th year of Sui Dynasty, it was changed into Nanhai County. For thousands of years, Nanhai people have been working industriously and they have created a splendid civilization. Its agriculture, handicraft industry and commerce have been prosperous for generations. Nanhai has also produced numerous famous citizens such as Youwei--the leader of the Constitutional Reform of 1898; Chen Qiyuan?aa patriot returned overseas Chinese businessman; Zhan Tianyou?aan outstanding railway engineer; Zou Boqi?aa famous scholar and a national industrialist; Wong Feihung--a master of Chinese Kongfu and expert in fast kicking.

Under the motto of dare to be the first, Nanhai people took the lead in initiating economic reform, in developing a market economy and in searching for ways to integrate into the international market in 1978. Nanhais progress has been outstanding and has become one of the four little dragons in Guangdong.

The tranquil and exquisite scenery of Nanhai is not only of enchanting beauty, but is also culturally rich. Modern technology and the information industry have assisted in promoting the Nanhai journey in the global village.

Nanhai District has 4 tourist resorts, Xiqiao Mountain, Golden Lake Resort, West Bank Tourist Resort and Nan Guo Peach Garden. It also has a number of ecological scenic spots like Huangji Egrets Paradise and Sangji Fish Pond. There, the mountain is green; the water is clear and the meadows are green and lavish. This together with the blue sky, result in a comforting ecological environment. Nanhai has become a promised land and tourist paradise where people from Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao come to spend their holidays.

In addition to its 6,000-year-old Neolithic stone implement site, Nanhai is the former residence of several famous people such as Kang Youwei, Chen Qiyuan and Wong Feihung. The cultures of South Chinese Boxing, Lion Dancing and the customs of Nanhai have become an attraction for numerous tourists.

Its thousand-year-old history and culture combined with its present charm has developed Nanhai into the jewel that it currently is.

Nanhai Links:
Xiqiao Mountain,Huangji Egret's Paradise, Western Riverbank Tourism Vacationland,Nan Guo Peach Garden,Kang Youwei"

Historical Legendary Cantonese Personalities 历代广东传奇伟人

Chinese Traditional Music- to commemorate Huang Fei Hong 黃飛鴻

林子祥 - 男兒當自強

Huang Fei Hong 黃飛鴻 Martial Art Master & Physician

Wong Fei Hung (traditional Chinese: 黃飛鴻; simplified Chinese: 黄飞鸿; Pinyin: Huáng Fēihóng; Cantonese Yale: Wòhng Fēihùhng) (July 9, 1847–March 25, 1924) was a martial artist, Chinese medicine practitioner, and revolutionary who became a Chinese folk hero and the subject of numerous television series and films.

As a healer and medical doctor, Wong practiced and taught acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine at 'Po Chi Lam' (寶芝林), his clinic in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China, where he was known for his compassion and policy of treating any patient. A museum dedicated to him was built in Foshan.

康有為 Confucian Scholar & Political Reformist during the late Qing Dynasty period.


Sun Yat Sen 孫中山
Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Traditional Chinese: 孫中山; Pinyin: Sūn Zhōngshān; or "Sun Yixian"; Pinyin: Sūn Yìxiān) (November 12, 1866 – March 12, 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary and political leader often referred to as the "father of modern China". Sun played an instrumental role in the eventual collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911. He was the first provisional president when the Republic of China (ROC) was founded in 1912 and later co-founded the Kuomintang (KMT) where he served as its first leader. Sun was a uniting figure in post-Imperial China, and remains unique among 20th-century Chinese politicians for being widely revered in both Mainland China and in Taiwan.



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music Composer 呂文成
LU, WEN-CHENG (1898 - 1981)










南海十三郎(1909年-1984年),真名江譽鏐,自稱江譽球,別字江楓,廣東南海縣人,是三十年代著名的年青編劇家。他是父親太史江孔殷的十三子,故藝名「南海十三郎」。 影星梅綺的叔父。




新馬师曾 (鄧永祥)
余東泉  (余仁生)

Saturday 26 January 2008

World-renowned uniquely Cantonese heritage.广东贡献驰名全球

1.Cantonese cuisine restaurants in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and all Chinatowns worldwide, including England, Melbourne, Vancouver, San Fransico. etc. "Cantonese cuisine is one of the most famous types of Chinese cuisine, popular both within and outside China. It is characterized by its variety of cooking methods, freshness, and use of seafood, while dim sum is equally famous for its variety of small servings." ( quote: Wikipedia )
2. Exceeding 600 year-old Cantonese Opera around the world. 唐滌生,陳冠卿,紅線女,慈善仱王新馬师曾,花旦王芳艳芬,任剑輝,白雪仙,何非凡,林家声,阮兆輝,等等 Visitors are invited to visit my other blog, namely: "Cantonese Opera Spore-Worldwide Panorama" *粵剧全球博覽站* at 3. Martial Arts Lion Dance, popularised by Master Huang Fei Hong and Actor Guan Tuck Heng.关德興,石堅 4. In Singapore, Shao Lin Hong Jia Quan Athletic Association is the direct lineage of the Hung Kar Quen passed down through the generations from Master Wong Fei Hong. 5. Typically Guangzhou Style "Lin Nan Pei" Chinese Brush Painting, popularised by acclaimed artist,Master Painter, Chao Shao An Masterpieces by Chao Shao-an 趙少昂, Headmaster of the Ling-nan School, "brings Western emphasis on creativity to Asian art by communicating poetic mood and natural beauty through subject, brush-work, color, form, perspective and composition." 6.Cantonese Movies produced in Hong Kong, since pre-war.白燕, 吳楚帆,張活游,梁醒波,謝賢,嘉玲, 等等。
7. Canto Pop, popularied by Sam Hui,George Lam, Adam Cheng, etc. 許寇杰,郑少秋,林子祥等等。

Websites about Cantonese, Guangdong & Guangzhou

Where Nanyang Cantonese ancestors came from

This blog is inspired by the sterling efforts of overseas Cantonese clans and Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng whose websites I have recently discovered. The aims of my blog will also selectively feature pictures and articles about the websites by Signapore's 16 Cantonese clan associations, including counterparts in Malaysia, US, Hong Kong, etc. and to create links to Chinatown around the world and Chinese Heritage, particularly Cantonese that are significant in the world over, on planet Earth.

Related websites include: